Monday, May 15, 2006

Friendship is Relative

Don't you think is sucks, when friendship can be set aside so quickly, no matter how strong the foundation is? i used to have this close friend, who incidentally is the best friend of my ex girlfriend. funny how she would always hate me everytime my ex and I fought. She always took the side of her best friend, and now that the relationship is over, it seems that she hates me even more. What makes me feel even worse is, she's basing her hatred on the lies her best friend told her--- that I said this and that, that i did this and that... the least she could do was ask for my side of the story first before hating me. I think she owes me that at least, for the sake of our friendship.

I find that funny. When two of my friends fight, i don't just take the side of the one I'm closer to. i try my best to be the mediator, or at least stay neutral when things seem impossible to fix. I can't just hate a friend who hasn't done anything to hurt me, just because he or she did something to a friend I'm closer to. Maybe if that soemone was a complete stranger,but not someone I consider a friend. Maybe that's just me--- it would be foolish for me to expect every other person to behave the same way.

sometimes I wish i could turn back time, back when i wasn't involved with her best friend, back when we still enjoyed each other's company. then again, if she can set aside our friendship just like that, friends like her i can live without.

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