Thursday, May 13, 2010

Further Disillusionment

The five stages of grief according to the Kübler-Ross model consists of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and lastly, acceptance. When it comes to politics in this country, the intelligent people have been resigned to that state of acceptance for the longest time. When history has shown that we as a people fail to make the wisest decisions time and time again, those people who use their heads have accepted the fact that as a nation, we will be heading nowhere.

I however, have been trapped in the stages of denial and anger for so long. Maybe it's about time for me to move on. i should no longer be surprised. i should stop being so hopeful because I just end up being so angry and disappointed in the end. I guess it's about time that I accepted the fact that this country is riding on the non stop train to oblivion.

For you to understand why I am so affected, why I seem to care too much when most of my peers choose to be apolitical, you have to understand where these feelings are coming from. Ever since I’ve started this so called career, save for the few months when I’ve worked at a private hospital (where I’ve felt so out of place), I have been working for government institutions. I know how life is for the poorest of our countrymen, how their lives are defined by hopelessness and despair. I’m not like most of my friends who work at private companies, where all they care about is to pass through each they, and get their salaries bimonthly to support their own needs as well as their families. I don’t do all that work for financial needs. I work because I want to help. A lot of times, I’ve used up my monthly salary just to buy things for those patients who lack the means to buy the necessary supplies. Many times I’ve done volunteer work, where I’ve spent long hours seeing patients without any sort of compensation for my services whatsoever--- because I wanted to help. And there’s an incredible lack of manpower because there were very few people like me who wanted to help without asking for anything in return. And with the present state this country is in wherein almost everyone is affected by these hash times, fewer people could even afford to help. I’m not some sheltered prince who’s oblivious to the ways of the real world. I may have been one before, but for the past few years I have been with those people who are neglected, used and trampled upon. I have seen them with my own eyes, I have touched them with my own hands, and I have shared in their pain.

It was sometime last year that I have finally become disillusioned with it all. Every time I complain, every time I would try and gather our collective voices for change, I kept on hearing the same answer. The system has been rotten for years, and there’s nothing I can do about it. If I hate the system so much, all of my superiors would say that I was free to leave and search for my ideal working environment, wherever that may be. At first I was adamant, but inevitably I accepted defeat. There’s no way I can change things, I am just one man. And the fact that everyone seems to be contented with the status quo that they do not even want to exert any effort to try to change things makes it impossible. I have accepted defeat. There’s no way I can help others, when these very people I want to help refuse to help themselves. And it’s even more frustrating when these people who obviously need help refuse to recognize the fact that they need help.

I resent the fact that some people have called me unpatriotic when I’ve made this decision. Excuse me for saying this, but what have these people done for their country? I’m willing to bet that in the few years that I have served my countrymen, I have done more than what most people in this country would do for their nation in their entire lifetime. So excuse me for finally getting fed up with the system. Excuse me for finally giving up. To continue living a life like that where i am experiencing constant strain and frustration would be a little too much for me to handle. To continue living a life like that is bound to kill me.

The result of this year’s elections further vindicates my decision. Can you blame me if I felt that here was one opportunity when we could finally have some changes? Changes that weren’t possible if I tried to do them on my own? That’s why I find the results so frustrating. Here was a glimmer of hope, but it turned out to be nothing but a mirage. Here was another chance to turn things around, and we blew it, yet again. Contrary to what others think, I do not hate specific candidates. I’m not convincing people to vote for a specific candidate either. I just want people to use their heads. That’s it. It’s the way people vote that really pisses me off. They say they think about their decisions, but once you ask them further, they are at a loss for words, which completely negates their statement that they make informed decisions. When asked, may people say one liners, similar to those campaign slogans used by candidates, as if it ends there. They say we should just respect each other’s decisions? Well forgive me for saying this, but just like trust, respect is something you earn, it’s not just given away for free. I may not agree with your choice, but say something that makes sense in defense of your choice and I will respect your choice. I just want to hear something that makes sense so that I may believe that you have made an informed decision. But if you can’t say something sensible to justify your choices, at most I could be civil with your decision. Asking for respect is a little too much.

Some have commented that I was so negative, that I resorted to bashing specific candidates instead of just pointing out the positive traits of my choices to convince others. First of all, I wasn’t trying to entice people to vote the candidates that I preferred. I want to open their eyes, I want them to be open to other possibilities so that they may make informed decisions. And let’s face it. I posted positive things before, and I didn’t get any reaction. but when I started my bashing spree, that’s when people took notice. Some people agreed with me, some people took offense. But hey, I got reactions. That’s one fact of life. Talk to people in a nice manner, and you’d be completely ignored. It would take something extreme to get people’s attention and hopefully knock some sense into them. And hey, I managed to open the eyes of at least three people. And save for the few who blew their top when they ran out of things to say in defense of their candidate, I’ve had several meaningful conversations with some people, I got to hear sensible answers, something that would never have happened if I chose to stay silent.

Some saw me as arrogant. Thinking that I was too stubborn, thinking that I was the only one who was right, and all others were wrong. Some even say that I was so narrow minded. How can I be narrow minded when I reviewed each candidate’s platforms for months, when I kept on watching those debates and discussions again and again so that I can reach a truly informed decision? I doubt if those fanatics ever considered what the other candidates had to say. They are the ones who are narrow minded, and I find it laughable that they would label me as such. They’ve completely bought the marketing strategy of one candidate, that it’s a battle between good and evil, and he alone leads the forces of good, and that he has a monopoly on integrity. I didn’t buy all that bullshit because I know for a fact that other candidates could offer what he’s claiming to offer, plus a whole lot more. And anyone who claims to have analyzed each candidate’s platforms would realize that only two candidates have made promises that they can actually keep. The others just kept on spewing whatever the people want to hear, and no one realizes that all those words are nothing but empty promises. I’m a realist. I’m not a fan of blind faith. Miracles don’t happen everyday after all. I need to look at a candidate’s track record and I need to see if he is capable of doing the things that he says he can do. And to choose the leading candidate is tantamount to giving blind faith. There has to be something that I can hold onto, and he offers absolutely none. This is not a progressive country, and at the depths we’re in now, we can’t afford to keep on praying for miracles, we can’t afford to put our trust on something that isn’t realistic and attainable. As a nation, we can’t afford the luxury of blind faith.

I’m not saddened that one candidate won. I am saddened with the results of the elections as a whole. I thought it was impossible to sink into further depths of disillusionment, but that’s where I am now. I’ve completely lost faith in our people. Just by looking at the winners in most positions, and looking at the runner ups… it only proves that people are still dumb enough to buy all that propaganda. It only shows that people do not learn from the past. One man used to say that our people are worth dying for. I doubt if he would say the same thing now. Would you give up your life for a nation that doesn’t care? Nothing could be more stupid than to give up one’s own life for a nation of imbeciles.

Two of my friends got it right. I asked them why they are supporting a certain candidate, who obviously pales in comparison to all the others. They told me to get real. They pointed out that even though I’m a realist, I kept pinning on the ideal. They pointed out that I am a study in contradiction. If I am really a realist, I should accept the reality--- THAT I LIVE IN A NATION OF MORONS. It’s always about charisma, it’s all about popularity, it’s all about the right kind of propaganda. They turn a blind eye to one of the most qualified candidates because he speaks harsh words, because he speaks the truth. He makes no lofty promises, only those that are attainable, but apparently realistic goals are too boring for most people. He makes no attempt to woo the voters with sweet words because he means business, and because he believed that voters are now mature enough to look past all the fluff of propaganda… and he was so wrong to put that much faith in our people. These people do not want to hear the truth because it is so offensive to them. All prefer to hear what’s nice to hear, no matter how surreal, no matter how absurd. People wouldn’t know what’s good for them even if it’s already right at their faces. The ideal is not an option in a country full of morons. The intelligent people have no choice but to choose the lesser evil, because that's the only choice available, as dictated by the overwhelming moronic majority. When the ideal is not an option, the best that the thinking class can do is to choose the less stupid choice. Those are very harsh words indeed, but I have to agree with my friends. In the case of this pathetic excuse for a nation, nothing hurts as much as the truth.

So I’m sorry for contradicting myself. I apologize for thinking reforms are possible in a country so content to lie down in mud and grime, that any form of change is impossible. By actually thinking we can change things when it is clear that we cannot, I was thinking like most people in this country. By believing in the impossible, I WAS ALSO THINKING LIKE A MORON.

But everyone deserves a chance right? I don’t want this country to sink further into the depths of mediocrity after all… there’s nothing more I can do about it, we should just learn to deal with the repercussions. All I can do this time is hope for the best, and that everyone proves me wrong. But for now, there’s really nothing to hold onto, is there? When all you’ve got are lofty dreams that would need miracles in order to fulfill, I can’t help but feel so pessimistic. In a few years, we will know if our people have finally made the right choice, or made another stupid mistake like they always do. Although most signs point to the latter, anything is still possible. In a few short years, we will all know. But by that time, I wouldn’t even care anymore. I’d be so far away, that I wouldn’t even care whatever happens to this god forsaken country... even if I wanted to.

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