Saturday, September 08, 2007

An Apple Filled Day

talk about wasting time.

I've just spent the whole day searching for album artworks manually. I only stopped what I was doing when I felt hungry and when i felt that I needed to take a bath. It started when i switched the itunes view to coverflow. I thought that switching to this view was great. It looked so cool... until I saw that i had a lot of albums with no covers. The coverflow view looked so empty. And since most of my mp3s go as far back as the year 2000--- majority of my songs are either ripped from my CDs, and a whole lot more were downloaded from peer to peer file sharing programs. lol. And so I have a lot of songs with no album artworks. I became so obsessed with having a "beautiful" coverflow view that I completely lost track of time. Who knew this could be addicting? hehe.

Speaking of Apple, I've heard that they've unveiled new ipods this week. I always thought that the shuffle was a waste of money. The new nano looked okay, i guess. It just doesn't look "cool", unlike all the previous ipods. The ipod touch was another story. I always thought that the iphone looked great. if there was a cellular phone that could make heads turn--- that was it. The ipod touch looked similar to the iphone, and I got so excited when I read that it had 80gb and 160 gb of storage--- then I realized I read it wrong. It only came with 8 gb and 16 gb of memory. WTF?! how many files can you actually store with such small memory? The upgrade to a bigger screen would seem useless if you can't play a lot of videos. The 80gb and 160gb of storage was given to the ipod classic. I dunno, it seems like a stop-gap device. I'm guessing it would be phaed out in a year or so. Wouldn't it make more sense to put more memory to the ipod with a bigger screen? That would make it a device optimized for watching videos. Maybe Apple can't let go of the click wheel that easily, hence naming the device "classic". The clickwheel seems synonymous to the ipod after all, making it iconic. To me, it just doesn't make sense. I'm guessing they just want to get more money out of consumers by not making the product that has the best of everything. Before, everything was simpler--- the cheapest ipod have the least features, while the most expensive ones have the most features. Now consumers have to choose between the better looking high end ipod with limited memory, or the one that isn't really an upgrade except for the huge memory. It sucks when consumers have to choose between products, especially if they come from the same company. I just hope their business plans don't backfire.

Even if my 30 gb 5th generation ipod is almost full, i don't think i'll be purchasing an ipod classic. It's basically the same ipod with huge memory. The ipod touch is tempting, but with only 16 gb of space, it seems like an unneccessary purchase if i can't transfer all of my files there. Maybe in a year, they'll release a product that would justify an upgrade for me.

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