Monday, September 10, 2007

How The Mighty Has Fallen

Everyone seems to have watched it, so it was imperative that I find a videoclip online. It didn't take a long time--- videoclips were all over the internet. I'm talking about Britney Spears' VMA performance earlier--- if you can call what she did a "performance".

MTV was wise when they chose her to do the opening number. Never mind if she has not performed in front of a big crowd in years. Never mind the fact that she has been such a wreck for the past few years. Never mind the fact that she's out of control, and that she barely rehearsed her number. Who cares if there's a high possibility that it would be a disaster? Practically everyone wanted to see her perform--- the haters wanting to see her fail and make a fool of herself, and the remaining fans crossing their fingers hoping that she'll be able to pull it off.

As predicted, it was a DISASTER.

Okay, she looked beautiful. Make up can still do miracles. SHe hasn't looked that good in years. That's the only good thing I can say. Her body? she's so out of shape. If I was a woman and had such a tummy, I wouldn't dare wear that attire. Everyone knew that she was going to lip-synch, but no expected her to be out of sync. DId she forget the lines to her own song? Even i could remember the lines just by hearing the song a few times because of the repetitive lyrics! Or maybe she's high? nervous? preoccupied with something? She looked zoned out, as if she's in some other place! Maybe she just doesn't care at all? She barely even danced!

And what's with the excuse that she sucked because she heard Sarah Silverman rehearsing her monologue, that she wanted to walk out before doing her number? Sarah Silverman was indeed out of line... what she said wasn't funny, and the slient audience seemed to agree. It's understandable to be hurt, but a professional artist would strive for perfection in her performance no matter what. As a performer, it's her duty to perform well. It's funny that I actually expected her to be professional when all she did was party all night, leaving her two sons at home. And she expects people to symphatize with her during the custody battle? Who beleives her when she says that her two children are the most important things in the world to her? More like red bull, alcohol, and cheetos.

She's so lucky that she was still given a chance of making a comeback, considering that most people think that she has reached the bottom of the barrel. She's lucky she still has some fans left, after all the stupid things she has been doing. Few poeple are given a chance to rise up and redeem themselves, considering her much tarnished reputation. She was given a chance and she blew it. Instead of shutting up the haters, she gave them more reason to gloat. Most importantly, she let her fans down. They stood up for this piece of white trash, only to her everyone else say "I told you so".

She says "It's Britney, Bitch". Starting the song with "it's over, bitch" would be more appropriate.

Watching the video clip once more, I can't help but pity her. Just a few years ago, she was a phenomenon. How the mighty has fallen. When I first heard her new single I thought she actually had a shot at making a comeback. The song was actually good. WHo would have thought that it would turn out to be such a sad, sad swan song.

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