Friday, July 21, 2006

Wasting Time

Yesterday, I've wasted almost 3 hours of my precious study time. I would've finished another Chapter if I've continued reading. I just watched Dead Man's Chest. It's not a horrible movie... it just seemed that I was wasting my time because I could've done something productive instead! If it was a great movie, I wouldn't be feeling this way. It was just average, I was practically just staring at the screen the whole time, feeling indifferent--- even in the action scenes. There's just no excitement. A lot of scenes were also unnecessary! That whole encounter with the cannibals could have been taken out. It would probably make the movie more watchable since taking out those scenes would've made the movie about 30-40 minutes shorter. Occasionally I was looking at my watch, a bit surprised that the end seemed nowhere in sight. It's like being out at sea, seemingly lost, with no land in sight. It's definitely one of the most over rated movies ever. It broke a lot of records on its opening a week ago. I say it didn't deserve to break such records. It will be remembered years from now because of that feat, but it won't be remembered as a great movie--- because it isn't a great movie. It's even nauseating that I'd probably sit through another 3 hours with these characters next year. I feel like I have to watch part 3. With that cliffhanger ending they gave us for Dead Man's Chest, I'm compelled to watch the third movie just to see how things turn out. I just hope they make the next one more cohesive and more action packed… then I won’t feel like I’ve wasted my time, and money.

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