Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The Sick Cycle

The carnival has started. In fact, it has already reached fever pitch.

I’m not really a fan of elections in this country. It all seems so pointless. It’s nothing but an exercise in futility. Because no matter who wins, nothing changes. People keep making the same mistakes, they keep on making the same stupid decisions. People don't use their heads when they cast their votes, they are easily swayed by emotions. They are easily swayed by the popular sentiment. Their emotions cloud their capabilities for logical thinking, that they often think they are making the right choices--- to the extent that they would fight for these choices with such conviction. And then after a few years, people keep on blaming each other, even though they are part of the blame themselves. It’s funny when you think about it. In fact, I would be laughing out loud if the consequences weren’t so depressing.

Fine. We can blame the masses. Most of them are uneducated and since they make up the majority, they can dictate the outcome of elections. To solve this problem, we should educate the masses, that’s what they say. But with the mess that this country’s educational system is in, all I can say is good luck with that. As long as they are uneducated, we can’t really blame them for making stupid decisions. What pisses me of more are so the so called educated people. They keep on blaming the masses when they themselves keep on making the same stupid decisions. They keep on voting for the wrong people. What’s the use of all that education when they can’t even use a bit of common sense.

Take one leading candidate for example. He has gained a lot of support from the educated and the elite. For the life of me, I can never understand how anyone who’s even using half a brain could support such a candidate. He has a long political history, I’ll give him that--- but he has done close to nothing despite that long political history, and that’s just so pathetic. Arguably, he may not be corrupt, he may be honest--- but is that the sole criteria for choosing someone to lead our country? He lacks the necessary skills to properly lead a nation of millions. Heck, he can’t even stand up for himself. Up until now, every word that comes out of his mouth obviously came from someone else’s. And the reasons that I hear from my peers just leave me dumbfounded. These are doctors, lawyers, businessmen--- they are all educated. Yet the reasons they give for supporting such candidates just leave me scratching my head.

I asked my friends out of curiosity why they are supporting a certain candidate. The most frequent reason--- he has integrity. He’s honest. He’s not corrupt. I doubt that anyone can say for certain that he’s not capable of corruption, but for the sake of argument, lets say he isn’t. Is integrity the sole factor for choosing the right candidate? Shouldn’t he have leadership skills? Shouldn’t he possess intellect as well? Watching the presidential debates would be enough to see how incapable he is, yet most people choose to turn a blind eye. Can’t we choose someone who has both the necessary skills as well as integrity? If you’re going to say that there’s no such candidate, then I urge you to please look again. If you still can’t see that there are such candidates, then I’m sorry to say that’s there’s no hope for your stupidity. What’s the use of all that education when you’re not even using the things you have learned.

Another stupid argument I hear from the “educated”? They have grown tired of intelligent leaders. We’ve already had intelligent and capable leaders in the past, and look at where they have brought us. Of course there are other factors to be considered. Many factors have brought us to where we are now, we can’t just blame it on our capable leaders. I can say that given our situation, they’ve probably handled it the best way they can. Can these people imagine our condition if some of our past leaders weren’t as capable? Well, I guess they can’t imagine such a scenario, they lack the necessary brain power to visualize hypothetical scenarios. After all, they’re saying that integrity alone can make us soar higher.

Some even say that they won’t vote for an intelligent and capable candidate because our present leader is intelligent and capable yet that leader is very corrupt. Way to go! I find it remarkable that adults can think as such. I thought only children generalize. All intelligent people are corrupt. Then I guess all people with integrity are stupid. With such narrow minded reasoning, it’s no wonder these people are supporting whoever it is they are supporting.

The other frequent reason that I hear? Because his parents are considered heroes. They were great leaders. They were people of integrity. Even a kid who is only in third grade knows that such traits aren’t inheritable. Children can be very different from their parents. And again, anyone with half a brain can recognize that he is far from his parents. I just can’t help but wonder why people fail to recognize the stupidity of such line of thinking.

Another reason? He’s the lesser of two evils. Whoever said that there are only two choices? The problem is, even the educated people are swayed by surveys. Sure these surveys have a scientific basis, but we can never be really sure of their accuracy. And let’s admit that sometimes they can be used as a tool for mind conditioning. Still, most people just look at the leading candidates, and then choose between them. As I have mentioned above, the uneducated can greatly influence votes, so it’s no wonder the leading candidates are always those who lack the necessary skills. They just make up for it with charisma, eloquent words, with flashy ads, with celebrity endorsements--- the stuff that the uneducated go for. They keep on saying stuff that the masses want to hear, who cares if these are empty promises, who cares if what they are saying are downright lies. That’s what it takes to win, and the masses are buying it. It’s always like this. And then years after, the elite would bitch and complain, forgetting the fact that years ago they voted for the very same candidates that they are loathing now. Because he or she was the lesser evil. Why are the educated being influenced by the uneducated? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? We don’t have to choose between two evils since there are better candidates who deserve our support. If only the educated would vote for the deserving candidates even though all surveys show that they are unlikely to win--- who knows? Maybe sufficient votes would be reached, giving those deserving candidates a shot. But alas, most people don’t want to take such risks. They don’t want to waste their votes on a losing candidate. With the way the uneducated people keep influencing the votes of the educated, then it’s no wonder that this country is as fucked up as it is. It’s a vicious cycle, and the end is nowhere in sight. The masses keep on making stupid choices. And the so called intelligent people keep on making decisions that are just as stupid. What’s worse, their pride and arrogance prevent them from seeing how stupid their choices are. They are educated, so they are making the right choices. Some of them know how faulty their arguments are, they realize how stupid their decisions are, yet they still make such decisions for whatever selfish reasons that they have. That’s even worse. As long as the educated keep their brains in its present state of dormancy, then there’s just no hope for this god forsaken country.

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