Sunday, April 12, 2009


I like meeting new people, I like making friends. I may be incredibly shy at times, but there's no way that I'm anti social. But there's a right place and a right time for everything. I go to the gym to work out. I don't go there for any other reason. Yup, I've made a few friends there, those people that I have been seeing regularly. It would be hard not to eventually get to know the people I always see every time I go to the gym. What started out as mere acknowledgements and casual conversations have led to friendship. And I get it that some people see the gym as a place to hang out and meet new people, but I just don't go to the gym for that purpose. I let them mind their own business, as long as they let me mind my own. At the gym, I don't talk to anyone unless I really need to--- when I need help with something, or when someone asks for assistance, that's fine. Casual conversations consisting of a few sentences--- that's still alright. But when conversation veers toward so many other things that it disturbs one's routine and prolongs one's workout time, that's just counterproductive. I don't make eye contact, and I keep a straight face. What i do is strictly business. I believe I do look unapproachable, that's why I can't figure out why some people keep striking up conversations about trivial matters. Do I actually have to wear a shirt that says "I don't want to talk to anyone" just to get the message across? This was a problem at my previous gym especially when I worked out alone. When such instances at my current gym arises, so far they have been tolerable--- until last week when this incredibly annoying new gym member showed up. He kept on following me around, striking up conversation. Every time he asked a question, I only answered with a simple yes or no, I didn't even smile at all, and I quickly resumed my work out as soon as I gave him my answer. One would think that would be enough to get the message across, but NOOOOO... he still kept following me! Fine, I thought he was gay, and that was one factor why I was getting irritated. He might have some disgusting ulterior motive. The fact that he followed me to the locker room and kept on talking to me even when I was getting dressed seemed to validate that thought. But that's just one aspect. There were a lot of things about him that annoyed me, and all that following around only served to aggravate matters.

Then last night--- just my luck, he was there again. And as expected, he kept following me, asking me medical stuff this time around. Damn my gym instructor for telling this guy that I was a doctor!!!! Now my answers were longer, because his questions begged for detailed explanations. i tried to be polite, but I still tried to look as unfriendly as possible. Again and again he kept asking questions, and then out of the blue, he asked me which way i'll be going on my way home. Without even thinking, I told him where, and it was too late when i realized i fell for a trap. He then said he was going the same way, and he asked me if it was okay for him to hitch a ride with me. WTF?! Would any sane person ask that from someone he has only met twice?! Just to end the conversation I told him it was okay, then I proceeded to lift weights again. But I had no intention of letting that incredibly annoying stranger ride in my car. When I saw an opportunity, I quickly made a run for it as soon as I got dressed. LOL. I doubt if he already got the message though. I bet he'll still be following me around next time. Some people are just plain dense. Changing my work out schedule seems to be the most logical option then.

For some reason, The gym can really attract all sorts of weird and annoying personalities. But it's a public place, we can't control how others behave. The only way around this problem would be to learn to adapt on our own.


sattvicwarrior said...

whoopee. JUST what you wanted.. FREE ADVICE..
HAHAHAHAHAA….I could have written that story about a 1000 times…. heres an EASY out
if the dude isnt”getting the message”. [ like most of the people dont anyway..MALE or FEMALE}. simply tell him..
“Thanks for taking the time to stop and chat. but I REALLY am here to concentrate on my workouts and I prefer my own space and privacy.. I Dont like to be social, please dont take offense, its just the way I am” good by!!!! and then walk away…...
it works every time….
people are lonely in general. and as a doctor you should probably know that loneliness is the worst disease to mankind.
.Compassion is a FAR greater remedy than emitting hostility and frustration …
Be thankful that there are people that seek you out for whatever reason. Some reasons are more favourable of course than others. ..there will come a time when the tables will turn…Karma is like that… I hav e found out that if I look at people for what they ARE and NOT for what i want them to be, it makes for a far more civilized conclusion to a rather sticky situation..

tarnishedsilver said...

isn't that a little rude? hehe

sattvicwarrior said...

nawwwwwwww..when dealing with TRUTH, which is based in honesty sincerity and directness, which the essence of ones true spirit , its better to cut to the chase with dignity and compassion.
Tis far less damageing than hate and hostility which are based in the transitory world of the ego.