Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Sandman: Lord of the Dreamworld

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I've said before that it's only recently that I'm beginning to discover the amazing stories that are told in the DC universe. I've been searching for treasures in the DC comic books vault once again, and for the past few days, I've been immersed in the world of The Sandman. I still can't find a copy of The Killing Joke, so I thought I should check out the other DC graphic novels on the shelves, particularly in their Vertigo line (which caters to mature readers). I've seen all volumes of The Sandman series at a local bookstore, and I thought they looked interesting... and in case they sucked, at least they'd be great for display. Talk about judging books by their covers! LOL. Kudos to attractive packaging!

Those graphic novels cost a small fortune, about $20 each, and the whole series spans 11 volumes! Buying all of them would probably mke me bankrupt! So my stringent self prevailed... I searched the net for reviews first, and apparently, the series was the most critically acclaimed and award winning comic book series of the 1990's. These graphic novels are in a league of their own. "Sophisticated suspense"--- that's how they describe these books. The books were highly recommended by a lot of users also. So a week ago,I bought the first volume; i figured--- with such overwhelming recommendations, I might as well try reading it. This was a really different comic book series... really dark in tone, somewhat gothic. It was really violent and at times psychotic also, definitely not for kids. And even if some kid would buy one of these books, I doubt if he would understand the profound and complicated storyline enough to enjoy it. As for myself, I was was so amazed and mesmerized by the world Neil Gaiman has created--- i was completely immersed in the Sandman Universe. And unlike when I was reading those Batman Comic books wherein I felt a bit childish, I didn't even feel a slight hint of childishness when I was reading The Sandman. Everything about the series was aimed at adults--- The theme,the storylines, the characters, even the way it was drawn. I was so immersed with the story, that I bought the next volume the very next day! I have the first four volumes now, and at this rate, if I don't control my urge to splurge, I might keep on buying the next volumes until I've spent all my savings! And I know I'll run out of cash way before I've bought all eleven volumes! haha. I'm not regretting having spent so much money though, this is really great stuff--- worth every cent. Each volume is worth re-reading again and again, and it's amazing to discover that you've missed certain details on your first reading!

Speaking of those missed details...

I have to excuse myself while I get back to my readings again. :)

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