I wonder if there would ever come a time when i wouldn't feel this way on new year's eve. As the year ends, I tend to reflect on the things I've done during the past year, and every time all i see are the glaring mistakes. I spend the day enveloped in remorse and regret, drowning in self pity, thinking about the things that I should have done instead. And every goddamned year all mistakes for the previous years that i have completely buried beneath my subconscious would tend to resurface yet again. And when they accumulate as they always do, i tend to feel even more miserable. Mistakes from previous years pile up on one another as the year ends, making me feel more miserable compared to previous years.
Career wise, I'm still headed nowhere. And again I've been thinking what could've been if I did not resign from the job I had back in 2007. I've rationalized again and again, and I've realized that taking all things into consideration it was for the best, but again it has reared its ugly head. Now I begin to question my decision AGAIN. My batchmates are almost done with residency, and here I am, still at the starting line. Here i am, still lost and without direction. If I had at least done something of worth this year, I wouldn't even be thinking about that again. But since I still haven't done anything, since I haven't made any progress, I just couldn't help it. I've already realized again and again that even if it was wrong there's nothing more i can do about it, and there's nothing more to do than to just simply move on. And I have moved on---- for a while. With all the things that have happened this past year--- or should i rather say things that have not happened... i just find it hard not to look back. I find it hard not to hit myself in the head again for making foolish and haphazard decisions.
And so I begin to rationalize. Again. If there's anything good that came out from that decision, it was the chance to spend more time with my grandmother. If i was still doing my residency I wouldn't have spent as much time with her during the past few years. In fact, i would have barely seen her at all. And I wouldn't have been there to hold her hand, I wouldn't have been with her as she spoke her last words, as she breathed her last breath. And no one would have taken her to the hospital that time since everyone else in the family is busy with work and other stuff--- stuff that don't even matter in the long run. I had the opportunity to take care of her. That's the only good thing that came out of that decision. If I had to rationalize and convince myself yet again that the decision I made that time was the right one if I looked at the big picture... then I guess it was. If only this feeling of self pity would disappear as I begin to rationalize, maybe I can fool myself that it was. But as long as this feeling remains, there is still doubt. This feeling would linger. As long as I haven't done anything of worth, as long as I remain on a standstill, this feeling would resurface no matter how many times I would have buried it.
I'm getting tired of playing the same old game. I'm tired of going through the same old pointless routine. I'm tired of getting nowhere. 2010 is definitely the shittiest and most miserable year of my life and I'm glad it's almost over. It's a year of loss, heartaches, failures, and disappointments--- not only for myself, but also for all the people in my close proximity. I could try to be optimistic like everyone else and welcome the new year with a smile, but i can't force myself to do that. It entails too much effort for a tired soul. I could hope that the new year would be better for me, but that would only be wishful thinking on my part. Because looking back, every year seems to be just a shitty as the previous one. And with my dumb luck, the coming year could be even worse. There's no point starting over because in my life, I keep on making the same mistakes and same stupid decisions again and again. In the calendar of my life, the next year is always as shitty or even shittier than the last. There's just nothing there to look forward to.