Why is this even an issue?!
Does it create the impression that I'm selfish? That I only want things to go my way? It's either we do it my way, or we don't do anything at all?! First of all, I ask people to watch movies or go on trips, to hang out, or do whatever, based on how I enjoy their company. The first people I ask are those whose company I enjoy the most. For such simple matters, that's how I prioritize. If they say no, that's perfectly fine with me. It's not like I'm FORCING anyone to come with me, and it's not like I'll hold a grudge for something so trivial. I understand that people have different tastes, we can't possibly all like the same things. If one group of friends say no, it's no problem at all. I can ask A LOT of other people. Of course, the next group of people i ask are those whose company I also like, but not as much as the first group. I won't simply just ask anyone I know, even if those people would probably say yes. But yeah that has happened several times... it beats watching movies alone. hehe.
When I say no, why is it such a big deal? Heck, money isn't exactly overflowing these days. Is it a sin to only watch the movies that I really want to see? Yeah, I say no when I'm being ask to do something i don't really want to do, or to go where I don't want to go--- I wouldn't think anyone would harbor ill feelings because such trivial matters, but I understand how some people can get overly sensitive when they have been declined, even for the simplest things. i would say no, yeah... but did they ever try asking me again, in a different manner? Did they ever try to point out that it's not such a trivial matter to them? If one friend asks me to watch a movie I do not like, if a friend asked me to watch a movie i've seen several times, I would say yes if he or she told me that no one else could go with him or her, if he or she would say that he or she just wants my company, or if watching that movie is a big deal to him or her. I've done that many times. I've done a whole lot more for friends, it would be stupid to think I wouldn't do such simple things--- like watching a movie, going to the mall or bar, or just simply hanging out, for my friends... Unless of course, a great deal of cash would be involved. hehe. But if they would offer to shoulder some expenses, just enough for me not to burn a hole through my wallet, then I'd go with them, even to the ends of the world, without even a bit of hesitation. :)
Oh yeah, as an afterthought... that same friend exclaimed that if only I cleaned up my act years ago, I wouldn't be so bitter about that failed relationship three years ago. One thing I am certain of, is the fact that I AM NO LONGER BITTER. I didn't even feel anything when she sent me a private message via Facebook a few days ago. Now what was that about cleaning up my act? WTF?!
Okay... honestly, i can no longer recall every single detail. Those events have transpired three years ago, and because of all the conscious suppression of memories that I have done, i may have missed a few things. Looking back at the past at this point in time may give me a better perspective. So yeah, I tried looking back. But after reading this single entry dated July 14, 2006:
I really have to say... what the f*ck?!
that's because you have psycho friends. hahaha! you should have hanged out with us more often when I was back there. we're just a wee bit psychotic, you know. :)
residency's fine so far, by the way. when are you coming here again? september? hurry up and get your ass up here!!!!
~ J
we're part of that stereotype who's always shortchanged because of our syntax issues.
in my case, some people take to my "sweet" image as bimbo-ish. it works both ways because i love to surprise and inevitably, become unpredictable.
in your case, you always seem to be angry. but that's stereotyping. maybe you are, but well... others' loss.
Being assertive is not a sin. Being stupid is. :)
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