Monday, January 28, 2008


Two weeks ago, I watched the movie I Am Legend in an IMAX theatre. Some said I just wasted money because there were no 3D enhancements made for the IMAX version of the movie. I think I got my money's worth though. For one thing the admission price is cheaper compared to a movie with 3D enhancements... and while other people feel cheated when they watch the so called enhanced versions of movies only to find very little 3D effects that were haphazardly put in, I didn't feel cheated when I saw I Am Legend since I knew there were no 3D enhancements in the first place... Watching a 2D movie in IMAX is still one heck of an experienced. The screen size is gigantic, and the sound effects are greatly enhanced, something I didn't notice before. Watching a movie in a THX theater would seem ordinary after watching a 2D movie in IMAX!

Okay, okay... the main reason why I wanted to watch I Am Legend in an IMAX theater so bad was because I wanted to see the exclusive 6 minute footage of The Dark Knight that was attached to the IMAX version of the film! LOL. They reportedly used a special kind of lens, with the intention of putting the film on IMAX. The result was breathtaking. Unlike I Am Legend, The entire screen was filled up, and everything was crystal clear--- watching the entire footage was so immersive, for a second I thought I was part of the action taking place on screen! After seeing that 6 minute preview, there's absolutely no way I'm watching The Dark Knight in an ordinary theater!

On a side note, it's a pity Heath Ledger passed away last week. I know his untimely demise has been blogged to death by now, and I don't intend to make an entry about it. It's just that I never thought much about him as an actor until I saw his chilling portrayal of the Joker. What a pity. Who would've thought that he could put Jack Nicholson's over the top portrayal to shame.

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