Wednesday, October 29, 2008


It was easy to dismiss this show as a teeny bopper show that was just trying to be edgy. Heck, the casting of the two male leads was obviously to entice a female audience to watch this show. Plus, it's shown on the CW network--- the home of cheesefests such as Smallville, Charmed, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, the newly unearthed 90210, plus a whole lot of others. Could you blame me for initially thinking that this show was like all those other shows?

Good thing I'm a sucker for any show dealing with demons, monsters, and the like. Good thing I'm a sucker for a good scare. Good thing I'm a sucker for any show that has a lot of blood and gore. And I have to admit, there's been a huge hole in my heart ever since Buffy The Vampire Slayer went off the air, and no TV show, no matter how gory or campy, could seem to fill it. So yeah, I began watching Supernatural on its 3rd season. And I liked what I've seen so much, that I had to buy the first two seasons immediately. Oh Yeah, there was THAT sense of urgency.

I admit, the first season seemed a bit teeny bopperish, but it had that edge that didn't feel pretentious at all. It really felt genuine. Case in point, that episode with the painting (episode 19) was genuinely scary. Unlike the other shows in the CW network, Supernatural sticks out like a sore thumb because the show was meant to be taken seriously even if it dealt with subjects matters that were more of within the realm of fantasy. And with each succeeding season, the special effects became better, the episodes became bloodier, and most importantly, the story arcs grew darker and more sinister--- you wouldn't care anymore even if their initial target audience consisted of shrieking females aged 13-20 who were looking for something to fill up that void left by Charmed. I thought the story arc in the protracted third season was great... but from what I've seen with the first few episodes this season... with the grand battle between good and evil looming... the direction in which the series is going seems to be nothing short of phenomenal. Angels walking among us- the grand coming of Lucifer kind of phenomenal... those are big words coming from someone who's agnostic. Supernatural is definitely one of the best shows this season, and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone--- fans of horror and fantasy, teeny boppers looking for a good scare, emo kids and goths looking for dark materials, peers looking for something to watch on DVD this Halloween...

like I said, anyone. :)

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