Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Longest Week

Last week felt like the longest week ever.. or maybe one very long day that stretches on and on... it feels like that for me because i didn't sleep for a week. Each day, i get to eat once a day because of the huge workload... there were days that I didn't eat anything at all, yet I barely noticed that I haven't been eating. Oh yeah, I haven't taken a bath for a week already. If i wasn't itching at certain parts I wouldn't mind not taking a bath. I also shelled out for a lot of patients, close to 7000 bucks! Funny how everyone assumes that all services are free in a government hospital--- we end up paying for everything they can't afford, else we suffer the wrath of our seniors... having no money is no excuse for not proceeding to do an operation. I can only imagine how some of my co-residents feel. I know a few of them aren't well off... in fact, they say they chose to work at that hospital because the salary is bigger... yeah right. After spending a fortune for your patients, you'd be lucky to have a few cents left.

Yeesh. No sleep, no food... no bath, no money! there seems to be no incentive to keep on moving along this path that I have chosen. There's no sense of fulfillment.

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