I was never fascinated with this character while I was growing up. I mean, I doubt if any kid classified as male would find female superheroes fascinating. With the way they were drawn--- with those insanely huge breasts and physiques of ridiculous proportions, female characters in most comic books seem to be nothing more than an outlet of repressed sexuality. Sure, for women, these female superheroes symbolize gender equality, women's liberation and whatnot. But women aren't really the target audience of comic books, right?
I only got to know the Wonder Woman character through the Justice League cartoon series. I never saw the live action TV series even on syndication. And the character seemed nothing more than an accessory in the Super Friends cartoon series that I used to watch when I was a kid. But in the Justice League series--- they showed the character in a different light. Wonder Woman appeared cool--- and her fight scenes weren't too shabby either. For the first time, along with Hawk Girl, I was rooting for female superheroes. In the Justice League series, they weren't just there for support, they weren't just mere accessories. They were vital to the whole team. They were heroes, just like the rest of them.
When i popped the disc into my DVD player, i was immediately in awe. WOW. That was one of the best opening scenes I've ever seen, be it in an animated or a live action movie. Intense. Gripping. With impalements and beheadings. I immediately wondered why Hollywood was having problems with the script for the live action Wonder Woman movie, when there's a perfectly good script right here! But after that great opening sequence, things began to mellow down. I was waiting for the action to build up again--- but it never did. Even the climax was unsatisfying. When the final action sequence was over... I said, "that's it?" There's a potential with this storyline, they just failed to sustain it. The Justice League series was successful in enriching the character, and the back story here was amazing. The problem isn't because the Wonder Woman mythos is deeply rooted in fantasy and mythology. It isn't because the back story is better suited for historical times, it can easily be adapted to present times as showed in this film. The problem is, they can't seem to find writers who can put all these good things into something that's cohesive. A bit of polishing here and there is all that's needed. The blueprint for a great movie is already here, they just have to furnish it with the proper materials. At this rate, no wonder the live action Wonder Woman movie is still years away from production. If ever that film finally receives the go signal from the studios, I hope they've already managed to create a great script by then. As shown by the Justice League series, the character has huge potential. It would be such a pity if they failed to deliver.